Saturday, October 15, 2005

my obsession with music criticism

Listening to:
The Thermals
The Decembrists
The Arcade Fire

Knitting Project: Still knitting the MWD No on One tote. *I found my second pink fingerless glove!!!!!!

I think I have a problem. I am obsessed with music criticism. I check pitchfork daily, I read bad main stream rock magazines, I am getting into Wired, But more than that I interlibrary loan so many books written by music journalists, or collected writings on music. Lately I have been rereading The Greil Marcus edited Lester Bangs greatest hits book. My favorite book of essays on music that I have read in the last year must be Nick Hornby’s Songbook. Reading the endnotes of the articles in Audio Culture gives me yet more distraction. Reading the Susan McClary article, “Rap, Minimalism, and Structures of time in Late Twentieth-Century Culture” I desperately want to read Feminine Endings: Music, Gender and Sexuality. Because I spend too much time doing Subject and keyword searches in the Ursus and Infonet systems at the library I currently have a plethora of books that are loosely related to this class, Rock over the Edge and Popular Music, Gender and Postmodernism, a scholarly collection of essays on music and modernism is at times dry and pedantic and at others fascinating are my two favorites right now.


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