Friday, November 18, 2005

Paper Proposal

I would like to write a historiography of punk rock.

Punk Rock was a product of its time, it emerged out of a special social, economic and political climate and history that was just ripe for a reaction. Punk rock sprung from the underside of two of the world’s largest cities, New York and London. The dissonant noise, frenzied, fast pace, hard to hear vocals and out of control attitude are all hallmarks of punk rock. Punk rock isn’t dead, its just different from the music of the mid seventies.
The way that people have written about punk has changed drastically over the years. From the first fanzines and reactionary writings aiming to protect gentle society from the bereaved, deranged madmen playing guitars on Kings Road and in the Bowery to something you can buy coffee table books, or detailed histories of.
In this paper I will have to discuss how music historians write about pop music in Britain and in the US. I will also write about the currents in culture that could shape the authors of punk histories, also some research on the authors themselves. In this work I will explore whether historical schools (groups of like minded scholars all writing on one subject) have surfaced in punk rock.
Although there has not been a group presentation on punk rock, but there have been several groups that have talked about punk and have talked about sub genres that have sprung from, or even become punk. Proto punk was the basis for punk, hardcore, thrash and many other types of metal came from punk, and popular ska is a punk/dub hybrid. The nature of historiography is really that it is a grand literature review. I can also try to compare it to the general historiography of Rock and Roll to see how it fits,


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